Virgo is probably top of the list for self sufficiency2,especially the female of the species. Theycan be phenomenallypicky about prospective partners, to a degree where they putoff3commitment for years and years. But they have to watch that theydon’t get too out oftouch with their earthy animal side4 and endup perpetually alone。
Aquarius is next since they are never happy aboutclaustrophobic5 partnerships. Their motto is: “Spread your favorsand friendliness around – the more the merrier。” They’ll only agreeto amatch if they’re sure there’s plenty of space to stayindependent.
Capricorn can be a touch like Virgo, defensive, workaholic andnot inclined to disappear intoswoons of rapture about a blissfulmating. That is until they fall rapidly and inexplicably6 intoaromance that astonishes them – and everyone around them!
Pisces? Well they adore the thought of a soul mate, thesearch, the seduction, the whole dreamfactory. But when push comesto shove7, they are never sure that what is being offeredmatchesup to their “perfect” inner vision. That said, Pisces needs apractical helping handthrough life, so will often settle for theirsecond best just to get along。
Aries, Sagittarius, Gemini are the adventurous signs and dolike a good mate to keep themcompany along the way. Given theirpropensity8 for having a low boredom threshold, they can“chop andchange9” their mates several times in their lifetime – especiallythe male of thespecies。
Cancer, Taurus and Leo are the security-conscious andhome-focused signs. They don’t somuch want a soul mate as asomeone to help set up house, produce a family and givestability.For Leo this also includes status and an admiring audience。
The two most likely to desperately need another half are Libraand Scorpio, though for not thesame reasons. Libra is known as“the relationship sign”, not because it’s driven by matters oftheheart. It’s an Air sign10, fairly detached, and never feelscomfortable without another half tomake it feel whole. Scorpio onthe other hand is intensely emotional and really needs anequallypassionate partner to merge with. Therein lies theirbliss.