Long Conversations (长对话)
1.Conversations: (Find a partner and practice these dialogues.)
Ron: Kelly is the most beautiful model in the country. She's visiting our school today and as the hallway monitor, I'll be in charge of protecting her. If this girl can work hard to be the famous model, I can work just as hard to be the perfect monitor!
Kelly: (Giving her speech in the lecture room)...and so, to you students here, I say "If your heart is filled with sunshine, then you can be a perfect student!"
Student 1: Bravo! Bravo! She's an inspiration!
Student 2: What poise! What sweetness! She's so perfect!
(The speech is over.)
Bumper: Marvelous speech, Kelly!
Kelly: Thank you, Mr. Bumper! Now I'd love to take a tour of your school and...(saying to Ron) Uh...what is it, young man? Would you like an autograph?
Ron: No, thanks! I'm the hall monitor, Ron. I'll protect you while you check out the school.
Bumper: Ron, I don't think Miss Sticker needs you looking over her shoulder all day! (Ron left, feeling very disappointed.)