081、funny K.K: [ ] IPA: [ ]
adj. 有趣的,好玩的,可笑的 ★★
He’s a very funny guy.
I’ll tell you a funny story.
☆ What’s so funny (about that joke)?
Lisa’s Note:
My students always confuse“fun”and“funny”.“fun”=“enjoyable”; “funny”=“amusing”.If you have a good time doing something, you say it is fun, or that you had fun doing it. If something makes you laugh, you say that it is funny.
我的学生总是搞混“fun”和“funny”。“fun”=“enjoyable”(另人愉快的);“funny”=“amusing”(好笑的)。如果你做什么事感到很愉快,你就说“it is fun”或“you had fun doing it”。如果什么事让你觉得好笑,你就说“it is funny”