Dining Etiquette1) When Dating
Be sure to make reservations2) if the restaurant you chose is a fancy or popular one. It’s very embarrassing to show up without reservations and having to wait for a table, leaving a very bad impression on your date. Also, be sure to check to see if they have a dress code and tell your date in advance what to wear.
When your food arrives, proper dining etiquette requires you to eat at a moderate3) pace so that you have time to talk. A good measure of how fast you should eat is to count 10seconds between each mouthful. It is bad dining etiquette if you gobble4) down your food and you spend the rest of the time watching your date eat.
Don’ t slurp5) your soup, smack6) your lips, or chew with your mouth open. Nothing is more unsightly than watching someone talk and chew their food at the same time. Your napkin7) should be placed on your lap at all times. Don’ t tuck it into your belt or use it as a bib. If you have to get up, place it neatly on your seat.
When eating, insert your fork straight in your mouth. Don’ t place your fork in the side of your mouth as it increases the chances of food sliding away, which could be very embarrassing. If you get food stuck in your mouth don’t pick it out with your fingers or fork at the table. Excuse yourself and go to the restroom and get it out with a toothpick.
When dining, keep your eyes on your date at all times and try to smile between mouthfuls. Occasionally, you should make an effort to show some interest and ask questions like, “How do you like the beef?”If she needs anything, you are the one who is supposed to flag down the waiter by a gentle wave of the hand until one notices you.
如果你选择的是一家很高档或很受欢迎的餐馆, 一定要预先订座。如果未订座就去了, 没有桌子, 等上半天, 委实尴尬, 还会给你的约会对象留下很不好的印象。此外, 一定要打听一下餐馆对着装有没有要求, 要事先告诉对方应穿什么样的衣服。
饭菜端上来时, 按得体的用餐礼仪的要求, 你吃东西的节奏不能太快, 这样你就有时间来说话。判断进餐节奏的一个有效的方法是每隔10秒吃一口饭。如果你狼吞虎咽很快吃完, 剩下的时间里看着你的约会对象吃是很糟糕的进餐行为。
喝汤不要出声、咂嘴巴, 或张着嘴嚼东西。没有什么比看着一个人边嚼东西边说话更不雅观的了。你的餐巾应该始终放在你的膝盖上。不要把它塞在你的皮带里, 或将其当作围嘴儿用。如果你要起身, 把它整齐地放在你的座位上。
吃东西时, 要将叉子直放进嘴里。不要将叉子放在嘴角, 这样可能会使食物流出来, 那将令人非常尴尬。如果有东西塞在嘴里, 不要在桌上用手指或叉子挑出来。要请对方原谅, 然后到洗手间用牙签挑出来。
吃饭的过程中, 你应该始终将注意力集中在你的对象身上, 并尽量在进餐的间隙微笑。你还应该不时问一些诸如“牛肉好吃吗”之类的问题来表达对对方的关注。如果她需要什么, 你应该轻轻挥手直至引起一名侍者注意, 叫他过来。
NOTE 注释:
1. etiquette [eti5ket, 5etiket] n. 礼节
2. reservation [7rezE5veiFEn] n. 保留, (旅馆房间等)预定, 预约
3. moderate [5mCdErit] adj. 中等的, 适度的, 适中的
4. gobble [5^Cbl] vt. 狼吞虎咽
5. slurp [sl\:p] vt. 出声地吃或喝
6. smack [smAk] vt. 咂嘴
7. napkin [5nApkin] n. 餐巾, 餐巾纸