Pippi Moves into Villa1) Villekulla
Way out at the end of a tiny little town was an old overgrown2) garden,and in the garden was an old house,and in the house lived Pippi Longstocking.She was nine years old,and she lived there all alone.She had no mother and no father,and that was of course very nice because there was no one to tell her to go to bed just when she was having fun,and no one could make her take cod liver oil3) when she much preferred caramel4) candy.
Once upon a time Pippi had had a father of whom she was extremely fond.Naturally,she had had a mother too,but that was so long ago that Pippi didn't remember her at all.Her mother had died when Pippi was just a tiny baby and lay in a cradle and howled5) so that nobody could go anywhere near her.Pippi was sure that her mother was now in Heaven,watching her little girl through a peephole6) in the sky,and Pippi often waved up at her and called,“Don' t you worry about me.I'll always come out on top.”
Pippi had not forgotten her father.He was a sea captain who sailed on the great ocean,and Pippi had sailed with him in his ship until one day her father was blown overboard in a storm and disappeared.But Pippi was absolutely certain that he would come back.She would never believe that he had drowned;she was sure he had floated until he landed on an island inhabited by cannibals7) and went around with a golden crown on his head all day long.
“My papa is a cannibal king;it certainly isn't every child who has such a stylish8) papa,”Pippi used to say with satisfaction.“And as soon as my papa has built himself a boat he will come and get me,and I'll be a cannibal princess.Heighho,won' t that be exciting?”
Her father had bought the old house in the garden many years ago.He thought he would live there with Pippi when he grew old and couldn't sail the seas any longer.And then this annoying thing had to happen,that he was blown into the ocean,and while Pippi was waiting for him to come back she went straight home to Villa Villekulla.That was the name of the house.It stood there ready and waiting for her.One lovely summer evening she had said good-bye to all the sailors on her father's boat.They were all fond of Pippi,and she of them.
“So long,boys,”she said and kissed each one on the forehead.“Don't worry about me.I'll always come out on top.”
Two things she took with her from the ship:a little monkey whose name was Mr.Nilsson--he was a present from her father--and a big suitcase full of gold pieces.The sailors stood upon the deck and watched as long as they could see her.She walked straight ahead without looking back at all,with Mr.Nilsson on her shoulder and her suitcase in her hand.
“A remarkable child,”said one of the sailors as Pippi disappeared in the distance.
瑞典儿童文学大师 阿斯特丽德·林格伦
阿斯特丽德·林格伦(Astrid Lindgren,1907~2002),瑞典20世纪享誉世界的女作家,1907年11月14日生于瑞典南部斯莫兰省(Smaland)的一个佃农家庭。父亲名叫塞缪尔·奥古斯特·埃里克松(Samuel August Ericsson);全家生活在小城维默比(Vimmerby)附近的内斯(Nas)农场。小阿斯特丽德住在一栋老式的红房子里,屋子周围是苹果园。她十分喜爱读书,尤其热爱那些以小女孩为主角的书籍。但她并不想当作家,甚至害怕那样一种写作生涯。
1926年阿斯特丽德到首都斯德哥尔摩(Stockholm)谋生。接受文秘培训后,她在皇家汽车俱乐部(Royal Automobile Club)供职。1931年她与斯图尔·林格伦(Sture Lindgren)结婚,1952年起孀居。2002年1月28日,她在斯德哥尔摩的家中逝世。
阿斯特丽德·林格伦的一生是漫长而辉煌的一生。她成名于长篇儿童小说《长袜子皮皮》(Pippi Longstocking,1945)的出版。成名之后,她一边勤奋创作,一边长期担任拉本与肖格伦出版公司(Raben&Sjogren)儿童部编辑。一生中她创作出版了100多本书,获得过包括安徒生奖(Hans Christian Andersen Medal)在内的许多国际文学大奖,还被一些国外的大学授予荣誉博士头衔。1999年她当选20世纪最受欢迎的瑞典人。目前,她的肖像已印上邮票,在瑞典发行;她的作品早已风靡世界,被译成至少60种文字。
用一颗童心、一腔爱心和一生岁月,阿斯特丽德·林格伦构筑起一个充满魅力的儿童世界。她作品中的小主人公往往有着鲜明的面貌和性格,或顽皮,或任性,或勇敢,但都善良可爱,渴望独立并具反抗精神。她最受喜爱的作品有《长袜子皮皮》、《米欧,我的米欧》(Mio,My Son,1954)、《小飞人卡尔松》(Karlsson-on-the-Roof,1955)、《淘气包艾米尔》(Emil in the Soup Tureen,1963)和《狮心兄弟》(The Broth-ers Lionheart,1973)等等。这些作品和作品中的人物已经成为无数孩子心目中的宝贝和偶像,成为无数成人记忆中难忘的阅读体验。
下文选自《长袜子皮皮》的开头部分,采用Florence Lamborn的英文翻译。
NOTE 注释:
villa [5vilE] n. 别墅
overgrown [5EuvE5^rEun] adj. 簇叶从生的
cod liver oil [kCd 5livE Cil] 鱼肝油
caramel [5kArEmel] n. 卡拉梅尔糖
howl [haul] v. 嚎叫, 怒吼
peephole [5pi:phEJl] n. 窥视孔
cannibal [5kAnibEl] n. 食人者
stylish [5staIlIF] adj. 时髦的,受欢迎的