In the drawing above are two college students. The young man on the left is asking the beautiful girl on the right, "Why are you taking the National Entrance Test for M.A./M.S. Candidates?"
There are a great many reasons for many graduates to decide to study for postgraduate programs. The primary one is in order to get a job these days the higher the degree you have the better. An undergraduate degree is no longer enough. A master's degree becomes essential if they wish to apply for a rewarding job. A higher degree guarantees them a promising future whereas an undergraduate degree does not. The cost of a master's degree will soon be offset by a job with a higher salary and prospects. This is a nobrainer in today's competitive society.
As for me, I won't mind spending another two or three years in the ivory tower; I won't mind giving up opportunities for making money now; I won't mind sacrificing my spare time.
National Entrance Test for M.A./M.S. Candidates 全国硕士研究生入学考试
a great many 许多
primary 主要的
essential 必要的
rewarding 令人满意的
guarantee 使必然发生
promising 大有希望的
whereas 而
prospects 前途,前程
competitive 竞争的
give up 放弃
make money 挣钱
sacrifice 牺牲
spare time 空闲时间
1 There is a growing recognition that people with a master's degree will have a competitive advantage over those with only a bachelor's degree.
2 This is inevitable because ours is a society where your income is largely determined by the knowledge you possess.
3 With a growing number of college graduates being turned out each year, the situation in the job market is getting tougher and tougher.