You must select a person to train others to do a job. Which one of the fol-lowing is the most important for you to consider in making your selection?
The person's education
The person's work experience
The quality of the person's previous work
Quality Is the Most Important
Training someone to do a job is an important task~ It requires a good edu-cation, work experience, and skilled job performance. Of these three require-ments, I believe it is most important that a potential job trainer be judged by thequality of his or her previous work.
A person may be well educated, but not able to do the job proficiently. Forexample, a doctor may know how to treat children's diseases, but not be able totrain medical students to perform surgeries. Second, a person may have a lot ofwork experience, but not be able to do the job well. A typist may have typed forten years, but may not type at a speed of over 30 words a minute.
A person who does a job well is the one you want to train. I think peopleall want to learn to fly a plane from a pilot who has faced a lot of mechanicalproblems in flight and never had an accident~ As in all things, it is quality thatwe look for, not general knowledge or void time spent in an occupation.