Should Class Attendance Be Required
Required class attendance is so common at colleges and universities that many teachers and even students themselves simply assume it is a good thing. In fact, required class attendance does more harm than good.
There are several reasons that teachers should not require attendance. First, rigid attendance policies do not benefit students' studies. For example, a student may have to give up a lecture which he finds important to his studies simply because of rigid attendance polices which is a contributing factor to his course performance. Second, the lectures of some teachers are not always constructive. A student should be allowed to decide for himself whether an in-class experience is worthwhile when his teacher merely repeats material from the textbook. Finally and most importantly, there is no proven correlation between attendance and performance in a course. A student may never miss a single attendance in a course, but it doesn't mean that he has acquired the knowledge of this course.
Required class attendance may secure one hundred percent attendance for a course, but it does not make much sense. (179 words)
attendance n. 出席,参加
assume v. 假设,承担
rigid adj. 僵硬的,死板的
contributing adj.
performance n.
constructive adj.
correlation n. 相互的关系
Every man is the master of his own fortune.
--Steels 斯蒂尔斯
1. First, rigid attendance policies do not benefit students' studies. 首先,死板的出勤点名政策对学生的学习没有好处。
2. Second, the lectures of some teachers are not always constructive. 其次,有些老师的课不总是有建设性的。
3. A student should be allowed to decide for himself whether an in-class experience is worthwhile when his teacher merely repeats material from the textbook. 如果老师只是在重复课本中的材料的话,应该允许学生自己决定这样的上课经历是否有价值。