教程:英语四级作文  浏览:7318  
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      2020年12月英语四级已尘埃落定,嫦娥梗让大家笑得肚子疼的同时,不禁唏嘘, Changes这个词我真的不认识吗?我在高中明明学过的词,为什么进了大学反倒不会了?事实也证明,大一考四级是占优势的,因为高中的学习习惯还在,家底不至于扔得一干二净。而越往后,大学的宽松学习环境,会让一些自律不强的同学迷失方向,而这次的嫦娥梗,也是给大家的一次警钟。下面是小编整理的关于2020年12月英语四级作文答案:交通方式的变化的资料,希望大家能从中有些新的收获。


      Changes in the way of transportation

      Thanks to the rapid development of automation and new technologies, means of transportation have changed fundamentally over the last few decades. transformed travelling modes greatly improved people’s daily life.

      To start with, the cost of transportation has dropped considerably. For example, flight and train tickets are much cheaper than before. What comes along with lower prices is more options. Besides, the speed and the level of comfort during the journey has tremendously improved. Moreover, a more extensive network allows people to travel freely not only within their usual living area, but also to farther parts of the world. The complex network of roads, highways, railways and air and sea routes connects all corners of the world.

      To sum up, effective transportation systems will continue to bring convenience to people's lives. Some might argue against such stance because of the pollution caused by it, yet I’m still convinced that modern transportation system can benefit all humans.

      上一篇:2020年12月英语四级作文答案:沟通方式的变化 下一篇:2020年12月英语四级作文答案:教育方式的变化


