60%的同学的看法: 1.靠自己打工来支付学费会影响学业;
25%的同学的看法: 1.通过打工可以获得工作经验,了解社会;
(包括你在内): 觉得双方的观点都有一定的道理,但又不完全赞同;
参考词汇: 报答: repay 学费: tuition 经济独立: financially independent
Dear Editor,
I’m writing to tell you about a recent discussion our class have had on whether or not university students should be financially independent.
60% of the students think that university students don’t have to be financially independent, because trying to make money will affect their studies. They also think that they can repay their parents in the future.
25% of my classmates hold the view that doing part-time jobs will help one gain work experience and learn more of society. Besides, when students find it hard to make money, they won’t waste their money any longer.
15% of the students, including myself, partly agree with the opinions above. Personally I think that as grownups, we should not depend on our parents any more. However, if our parents can afford to pay the tuition for us, we should put our studies in the first place.
Thank you for reading my letter.