651.We would like to inform you that the goods were already shipped out on the 18th of May.
652.We have the pleasure to inform you that we have shipped the goods by “ Pacific Bear
“ which left here today.
653.We wish to inform you that we have shipped the goods by “Shanghai” according to your
instructions of August 5.
654.We wish to advise you that we have shipped you today by S.S.”Tokyo Maru”, 50 cases of
carbon paper.
欣告你方, 50箱硬纸板已通过”Tokyo Maru”号船运出.
655.We take pleasure in notifying you that the goods under S/C 456 have been dispatched by
M/V “Greenwood” sailing on May 15 for Hongkong.
656.The shipment of chemical fertilizer under Contract No 2346 will be effected by S.S.”
Calchas”, which is scheduled t leave here on 16th July.
合同号2346下的化肥由Calchas号船承运, 将在7月16日离港
657.We are pleased to advise you that 100 dozen shirts under order KAB/2004 have been
shipped per S.S.”Fengqing”.
658.We expect to ship the outstanding contracts before the end of July.
659.We are pleased to inform you that we have shipped 2,000 air conditioners you ordered
on board S.S.”Asia” which sails for your port tomorrow.
660.Your order No 153. will be shipped by SS.” Pearl” early next month.
你方153号订单的货物将在下个月初通过” Pearl”号船运出
661.We wish to advise you that the goods your ordered have been shipped today.
662.We are pleased to inform you that the last lot consignment has been duly dispatched.
663.The m/s “ Vicoria” has left our port carrying the goods for your order No 303. today.
承载你方303号订单货物的“ Vicoria”船已离开我方港口
664.The ship is scheduled to arrive at your port on the 28th October and you may now make
all the necessary preparations to take delivery of the goods.
665.The goods were shipped by the direct steamer “ Eli:” on May 10th and are estimated to
reach Shanghai before June 1st.
货物由“ Eli:”号直航船在5月10号运出,预计在6月1日前到达上海
666.We trust that the goods will reach you in perfect condition.
667.We trust the consignment will reach you safely and open up to your satisfaction.
668.We have dispatched your order for Indian rugs which are scheduled to arrived at your
port next Friday.
669.For shirts under contract No 60,we have booked space on SS.” Eagle” due to arrive in
your city around the beginning of next month.
670.The shipment will be made in three equal monthly installments, beginning fro next