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      False News Reports

      1. 目前虚假新闻屡见不鲜

      2. 出现这种现象的原¬因

      3. 应如何杜绝这种现象

      【范文】False News Reports

      It’s not uncommon that some journalists make up false or misleading stories about celebrities, illnesses, crimes, etc. Take celebrities for example. The death of the famous writer Jin Yong appeared in several news reports recently, which proved to be false.

      People may wonder why so many journalists cook up false stories. More often than not, the reason is all about personal interests. Most journalists create misleading news in order to draw public attention so as to make themselves more popular or to win certain prizes. To achieve these goals, they try to get something out of nothing and rumour about famous figures regardless of those people’s privacy.

      Now, it’s high time for China’s journalism supervisory bodies to deal with the false news reports. They should take stringent measures to prevent all possible false news. For instance, journalists who are found to manipulate news should be severely punished and could be banned from news writing for ten years or more.

      上一篇:2014年6月英语六级作文预测范文:大学生奢侈品 下一篇:2014年6月英语六级作文预测范文:传统文化

