英语六级-写作锦囊关键句465. I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude
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    465. I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for...

    译文 谨以此信表达我对……的真诚感谢。

    点睛 本句型是典型的感谢信的开头。其中,sincere意为“真诚的;诚挚的”。如:

    Please give my sincere regards to all the members of your family. 请向您全家转达我真挚的问候。


    We owe you a debt of gratitude for your help. 承蒙帮助,感激不尽。

    本句型中,介词for后面应该接名词或者名词性短语。如:your recommendations(您的推荐)、your attendance in the conference Monday(您出席周一的会议)等。


    I am writing to express my thanks for your presence on my birthday party. 谨以此信表达我对您参加我生日聚会的感谢。

    I am writing to show my sincere appreciation for your presence on my birthday party. 谨以此信表达我对您参加我生日聚会的真诚感谢。

    I feel deeply indebted to you and I really don't know how to thank you enough for your help. 我感觉欠您的太多,真不知道怎样才能感谢您给予的帮助。

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