教程:英语六级作文  浏览:902  
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      Part I Writing (30 minutes)

      Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on why students should be encouraged to develop communication skills. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

      Why students should be encouraged to develop communication skills

      Currently in this constantly changing world, communication becomes a seemingly convenient but actually more complex matter. It is well-known to us that communication skills are extremely important for people, especially for the students.

      As far as l am concerned, I hold that students should be encouraged to develop effective communication skills. There are several reasons accounting for this view point. First and foremost, effective communication skills can make us become more efficient. When we discuss questions or solutions with friends and teachers, a clear communication style can bring many benefits for us. Effective communication skills make our thoughts and ideas more easily understood. Another important reason is that our human beings are social creatures and we need people to talk with on a regular basis. Effectively delivering what we would like to express helps us more easily to adapt the society.

      To sum up, effective communication skills lay a solid foundation for the development of our students, and only when we realize the significance of communication can we understand the essence of living.

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