2021年12月六级易考范文第34篇:A Letter to the Manager
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    听力课堂英语六级频道为各位备考六级的同学们,整理了2021年12月六级易考范文第34篇:A Letter to the Manager,希望对大家有所帮助,一起来看一下吧!

      英语六级易考范文第34篇:A Letter to the Manager

      Dear Manager, I’m a senior in Skating Club of Tsinghua University.

      I write you this letter to invite your sponsorship to finance our club.

      I assure you sponsoring our club will benefit your company to a great extent.

      Our club was founded by skating fans jointly and voluntarily in 2000.

      Regularly we’ll hold activities such as tour in different universities.

      Undoubtedly, by sponsoring our club, you can build up your brand image and awarenessamong large numbers of college students.

      Besides, skating itself is a sport full of passion and enthusiasm.

      This spirit matches perfectly with your brand image.

      That is specifically why we expect you to be our sponsor.

      In addition, you can know more about college students’tastes and fashion trends by joining inour club’s activities.

      It can inspire your brainwave of launching new products.

      Based on the reasons mentioned above, I firmly believe that our cooperation will achieve awin-win outcome.

      Please take my words into consideration and any of your reply will be greatly appreciated.

      Yours faithfully,Li Ming

      上一篇:2021年12月六级易考范文第36篇:A Letter of Invitation 下一篇:2021年12月六级易考范文第35篇:A Recruiting Poster

