2021年12月六级易考范文第38篇:A Letter to a Schoolmate
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    听力课堂英语六级频道为各位备考六级的同学们,整理了2021年12月六级易考范文第38篇:A Letter to a Schoolmate,希望对大家有所帮助,一起来看一下吧!

      英语六级易考范文第38篇:A Letter to a Schoolmate

      June 7 Dear Xiao Zhang,I am most happy to receive your June 3 letter and hear that the finalexaminations are drawing near,and I am sure that if you strike a successful balance betweenstudy and rest, you will get good grades.

      This term will draw to a close around June 27,and I hope I can have the chance to visit youruniversity and the beautiful city Shanghai.

      How I wish to walk with you around your campus nd listen to all of your funny stories just likebefore!

      I also want to visit those famous places of interest in your city,such as the Bund, the People’sSquare, the Oriental Pearl Tower and the Shanghai Old City, which I have heard for a long timeand have no chance to visit.

      Moreover, let’s do some shopping in the shopping centers—I want to buy something for mymother, whose birthday is coming.

      What preparations should I make before my departure? What do I need to bring with me? Ihope my visit will not bring you too much trouble,and we can have a good time together.

      I am looking forward to your reply.

      Best regards.

      Sincerely yours,Wang Lin

      上一篇:2021年12月六级易考范文第37篇:Complaint about the Noise Pollution 下一篇:2021年12月六级易考范文第39篇:Application for the Post of Secretary

