2021年12月六级易考范文第45篇:Application to Be the Volunteer
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    听力课堂英语六级频道为各位备考六级的同学们,整理了2021年12月六级易考范文第45篇:Application to Be the Volunteer,希望对大家有所帮助,一起来看一下吧!

      英语六级易考范文第45篇:Application to Be the Volunteer

      Dear Sir or Madam,I’m Li Ming, a sophomore majoring in English from Peking University.

      I am very excited to get the news from today’s China Daily that you are going to recruit somevolunteers of the Great Wall Reservation Project.

      I’m writing to apply for it. Well-known as one of the Seven Wonders in the world, the Great Wallhas always been a tourist attraction.

      I once climbed up to the Great Wall at Badaling, and have developed such a keen interest inthe history of the Great Wall that I have made up my mind to do what I can to protect this cultural heritage.

      Being a kind, helpful and passionate boy, I can speak English very fluently, and know a littleFrench and Japanese.

      I like out-door sports such as hiking and climbing.

      I am also a member of Mountaineers Club of Peking University.

      I think my character fits the job greatly.

      I hope you can consider my application and look forward to your kind reply.

      Yours sincerely,Li Ming

      上一篇:2021年12月六级易考范文第44篇:A Letter of Enquiry 下一篇:2021年12月六级易考范文第46篇:Credit Cards on College Campus

