Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture, explain its intended meaning and then state how you will face your setbacks . You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.
1. 导语解读:要求考生简要描述漫画内容并揭示其寓意,然后阐述如何对待挫折。
2. 漫画解读:图片上画的是不倒翁,旁边的文字写道:“不倒翁虽然不会摔倒,但也不会前进一步。”这里的“摔倒”意味着人遭遇的挫折,意在说明不经历挫折就难以进步。
3. 文章立意:对待挫折的态度不同,那么挫折对人们生活产生的影响亦不同,因此,要积极地面对挫折。
1. 第一段简要描述漫画及注解文字,然后提出论点:不要害怕挫折。
2. 第二段通过例证的方式阐述人们在遭遇挫折时,有的因沮丧而陷入悲观,有的会怨天尤人,有的因害怕挫折而半途而废。这些人都不能克服困难,因而沦为生活的输家。
3. 第三段提出人们应该如何面对挫折,进而成为生活的强者。
As is shown in the picture, although the tumbler never falls over, it can never make a further step because it always stays where it stands. Therefore, it never knows what fall means to it. 1 Here, falls can be compared to setbacks that people meet in their life. 1 If one is afraid of falls and setbacks, he will be a coward of life and achieve nothing. 2
Life is not always full of joys and flowers. There are inevitable setbacks in every person’s life. 3 Some people feel so depressed about the setbacks that they fall into pessimism; others lay the blame on others, society or circumstances; still others are frightened by setbacks and give up halfway. 3 All of these people don’t make use of their wisdom and abilities to overcome difficulties and become losers of life. 4
How will you face your setbacks and become winners of life? Have a positive attitude. 5 The positive attitude allows you to utilize your wisdom and abilities to clear away the difficulties that appear in your life rather than run away from them. Confront setbacks with joy, energy and enthusiasm, and you will find them really not as horrible as we think. So it is of vital importance to have a correct attitude towards setbacks. 6
1. 开篇简要描述图片的内容,同时结合图片中的文字准确表达出这幅漫画的寓意。
2. 首段末句直接点明自己的观点:害怕挫折只会碌碌无为。
3. 自然过渡,第二段引出挫折对人们的影响,紧扣作文话题。
4. 第二段末句总结得出:逃避挫折的人只会成为生活的输家,从反面论证了消极对待挫折的影响。
5. 末段从正面加以论证,与第二段形成对比,阐述如何积极面对挫折,成为生活的赢家。
6. 总结全文,重申观点,并指出我们一定要积极面对挫折。
tumbler n. 不倒翁
compare…to… 把……比作……
coward n. 懦夫
inevitable adj. 不可避免的
depressed adj. 沮丧的,灰心的
lay the blame on 归咎于……
halfway adv. 在中途
utilize v. 利用
1. Some people feel so depressed about the setbacks that they fall into pessimism; others lay the blame on others, society or circumstances; still others are frightened by setbacks and give up halfway.
这里运用了排比句式(Some...others...still others),增强了行文的美感和气势。
2. The positive attitude allows you to utilize your wisdom and abilities to clear away the difficulties that appear in your life rather than run away from them.
这里运用了定语从句,同时内嵌rather than结构,使句式富于变化。