Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then explain its intended meaning and state what it may teach you in terms of your life . You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.
1. 导语解读:要求考生简要描述图画内容,阐释图画的意义并陈述自己从中学到了什么。
2. 漫画解读:图中一个人正被“胆怯”的自己和“勇敢”的自己揪扯着,显然他处于一种内心纠结的状态。在三张表情迥异的面孔上方有一行引自弗兰克的注解文字——“如果你是弱者,你自己乃是你最大的敌人;如果你是勇者,你自己乃是你最佳之友人。”
3. 文章立意:每个人都有“胆怯”的一面,也都有“勇敢”的一面,遇到困难时需要做出选择,此时人们的内心常常会陷入痛苦的挣扎。如果“胆怯”战胜“勇敢”,一个人将变成弱者,易失败;反之,则将变成强者,易成功。因此,人们应该采取“摒弃胆怯的一面,发掘勇敢的一面”的态度来对待人生。
1. 第一段简要描述漫画及注解文字,然后提出论点:摒弃胆怯的一面,发掘勇敢的一面。
2. 第二段通过对比论证的方式阐述选择做“勇敢”的自我较之做“胆怯”的自我会让生活变得更加美好:胆怯的人畏惧困难,害怕失败,不敢尝试,容易错失机遇,加之除了困难本身,他自己成了最大的障碍,则弱者更弱;而勇敢的人不畏惧困难,大胆接受挑战,善于把握机遇,则强者更强。
3. 第三段呼应文章论点,再次强调“摒弃胆怯的一面,发掘勇敢的一面”是一种积极的人生态度,更容易让自己看到生活的美好。
As is depicted in the picture, a man is tussling with two of his selves: one is called timidity, and the other is called courage. Above his struggling faces, there is a famous saying by Frank who suggested that, “You are your greatest enemy if you are a coward; but if you are brave, you are your greatest friend.” 1 According to his wisdom, we can tell that we should abandon the timid side of ourselves and explore the courageous one. 2
Firstly 3 , timid people refuse to make an attempt for fear of failures, which will result in missing opport-unities to development. Secondly 3 , they have to overcome the inner barrier before solving the real problem, which is like an evil enemy hindering them from achieving success. However 4 , courageous people, never afraid of failures, are pleased to take up any challenges. In addition 3 , without the negative psychological influence, it would be as though they had a good friend who would give them a big hand.
All in all, we will definitely taste more happiness of life only if we abandon the timid self and explore the courageous one in us. 5
1. 开篇简要描述图片的内容,同时结合图片上方的文字准确传达出这幅漫画的寓意。
2. 首段末句明确表达自己的观点:我们应摒弃自己胆怯的一面,发掘自己勇敢的一面。
3. 分三个层次论证了自己的观点,论据充分,论证有力。
4. 采用对比论证,恰如其分,同时也体现了论证方法的多样性。
5. 末段总结全文,重申观点。
tussle v. 扭打
timidity n. 胆怯
courage n. 勇敢
wisdom n. 有见识的想法、说法等
explore v. 探究,发掘
barrier n. 障碍
give a big hand 帮大忙
1. In addition, without the negative psychological influence, it would be as though they had a good friend who would give them a big hand.
without..., it would be...这句话属于非真实条件句。这种暗含的条件从句叫做含蓄条件句,又如:Without your instruction, I would not have made such great progress. 要是没有你的指导,我不会取得如此大的进步。
2. All in all, we will definitely taste the happiness of life only if we abandon the timid self and explore the courageous one in us.
only if意思是“只要……就;只有,只有当……”。if only意思是“只要……就好了;但愿”。在使用时,两者易发生混淆。例如:①You can make progress only if you are modest. 唯虚心乃能进步。②If only you had told me that some time before. 要是你早些时候告诉我该多好啊!