教程:英语六级作文  浏览:203  
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    Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the following situation. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

    Suppose you are a member of the Students’ Union. The union is going to hold a debate on nature and nurture, you are requested to write an announcement to inform students the news, and call on them to take part in the debate. Recommend what they should prepare if they are interested in attending the debate.


    1. 导语解读:要求考生根据提示的情景拟写一则关于举办“先天遗传与后天培养”的辩论赛通知。

    2. 文章立意:通知中要写明活动的主题内容,举办方、举办时间和地点以及参赛报名方式等,要激发参与者的兴趣,因此,各种细节要统筹兼顾。


    1. 第一段简要描述通知的主题以及活动的时间和地点。

    2. 第二段就辩论赛的主题给出简介,从而引起参与者的兴趣。

    3. 第三段说明参赛对象、报名时间及奖项设置,并鼓励参与者做好准备,对精彩的辩论赛寄予期待。



    We have the pleasure to inform you that the Students’ Union will hold a debate on Nature and Nurture in the auditorium from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. on the 18th of October. 1

    Which has more influence on us, nature or nurture? Over the years, various experiments and studies have been carried out in an effort to determine the relative importance of heredity and environment. Some studies suggest nature and nurture are equally important while others say no. The debate over the importance of genes and environment still continues. 2

    All the students are warmly welcome to join in the competition. 3 Those who want to take part in the competition are supposed to come to sign up at the office of the Students’s Union before October 4th. 3 The winners in the final will be given prizes. 3 Please decide on a position you would like to argue for and try your best to get ready. And we expect all the debaters’ outstanding performance. 3

    Wishing you success! 4

    Students’ Union 5








    1. 开篇简要说明通知的内容,同时给出具体的活动时间和地点。

    2. 简要介绍辩论赛的主题,激发学生的参与兴趣。

    3. 末段明确告知了活动的参与对象、报名截止日期及奖项设置,并期待参与者的精彩表现。各种细节考虑周到。

    4. 祝福语表达出主办方的美好期望。

    5. 最后在通知主体内容右下方写明主办方。


    Students’ Union 学生会

    auditorium n. 礼堂

    in an effort 致力于

    join in 参加

    take part in 参加

    be supposed to 应该;被期望

    sign up 报名;注册


    1. We have the pleasure to inform you that the Students’ Union will hold a debate on Nature and Nurture in the auditorium from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. on the 18th of October.

    此句中使用了通知中常用的句式,the Students’ Union说明了主办方,a debate on Nature and Nurture说明了通知的主体事件,in the auditorium from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. on the 18th of October说明了活动的具体时间和地点。这些细节在通知中必不可少。

    2. Those who want to take part in the competition are supposed to come to sign up at the office of the Students’ Union before October 4th.


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