How to Use the Library
A library is a building for a collection of books, magazines, periodicals and newspapers. The books are kept on the shelves in the stack room whereas the magazines, journals, etc. in the reading rooms. Modern libraries also have xerox rooms, and computer rooms.
If you want to borrow books, you can go to the loan desk, look over the correct call numbers in the card catalog and ask the librarian to take them out for you. Or you're allowed to enter the stack room to find books for yourself, you can look up the bound volume of index for the articles relative to the subject, on which you are going to write a thesis.
If the library doesn't subscribe to the magazine which carries the article you want, you can borrow the magazine from other libraries by means of inter library loan service. Don't forget to show your library card or I.D. card to the librarian before you go into the reading room, where you can read magazines or newspapers.
If you find a good article and want to keep it, you can have it duplicated in the xerox room. Besides, if you want to watch films or slides, you can ask the projectionist to play the videotape for you in the audio-visual room, where you can also listen to language tapes and music tapes.
Stack room:书库,存放大量书籍的房间。
Reading room:阅览室,供读者阅读书籍、杂志等的区域。
Xerox room:复印室,提供复印服务的房间。
Card catalog:卡片目录,一种使用卡片来记录和检索图书馆馆藏信息的系统。
Loan desk:借书处,办理借书手续的地方。
Call number:索书号,用于在图书馆中定位书籍的唯一标识符。
Bound volume:合订本,将多期杂志或期刊装订成册的出版物。
Inter library loan service:馆际互借服务,允许读者从其他图书馆借阅图书或资料的服务。
I.D. card:身份证,用于证明个人身份的证件。
Audio-visual room:视听室,配备有视听设备的房间,用于观看电影、录像或听录音。
Language tapes:语言磁带,用于学习语言或提高听力的录音带。