"The way students and scholars interpret the materials they work with in their academic fields is more a matter of personality than training. Different interpretations come about when people with different personalities look at exactly the same objects, facts, data, or events and see different things."
嘉文博译Sample Essay
The underlying theory of how students and scholars interpret whatever materials they are working with is a subject of debate among psychologists and sociologists, similar to the debate over the "nature versus nurture" theory of some other forms of human behavior. In my opinion, whether personality or training plays a bigger factor in interpreting information will depend not only on the individual involved, but also the academic field that is being studied. Additionally, different interpretations arise even when people with the same personalities look at exactly the same objects, facts, data or events. This phenomenon is a fundamental part of human nature, not just a function of different personalities.
First of all, analysis and interpretation of information is going to depend a great deal upon the individual involved. Some people are much more emotional than others, which can lead them to act on their emotions in spite of their training. Other people may have a personality that can be subjugated to his or her training, no matter what the situation. Emotions are an integral part of one's personality. For example, a highly trained police officer with a hot temper may go beyond the bounds of his training and beat a suspect if provoked enough by that suspect. The officer had been fully trained while at the police academy on how to deal with hostile suspects during an arrest, and he knew exactly what the proper procedure was. However, the taunting of the suspect caused the temperament part of the officer's personality to take over and lash out, in spite of his regimented training.
On the other side of the spectrum, an individual with the very same training, perhaps from the same class as the hot-tempered policeman, may have viewed the situation in a very different manner and simply ignored the taunts of the suspect. This officer's personality allowed him to take provocation and insults without feeling it personally and to therefore follow his training in the situation. In the latter case, it was the training that was used to handle the problem. In the former, it was purely personality that caused the policeman's behavior. For the first officer, personality was more important, while for the second officer, training provided the basis for action.
Secondly, the type of academic field that is being studied also plays a big part in whether personality or training is the foundation for interpretation. Certain academic fields demand that the student or scholar act based on training, while others require the personality of the individual to guide interpretation. Perhaps the simplest example is the difference between a mathematics student and a student of the arts. The mathematics student will analyze the data being studied by using his or her training with formulas and numbers; there is very little personality involved in the study and application of mathematics. However, each and every art student will approach a painting or a sculpture from an almost purely personal point of view, which depends almost exclusively on that student's personality. Perhaps artistic training will give the art student the vocabulary to describe the object, but in this case it is personality that gives the basis for analysis.
Finally, it must be said that there are not just the two variables involved that give people different views of the exact same situations. A crime may have one hundred people as eyewitnesses, and investigators will get one hundred different descriptions. Although some of those people almost certainly have the same or similar personalities, other human variables distort what actually happened. Human nature is much too complex to ascribe different viewpoints or analyses based on the training versus personality argument.
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其次,所研习的学术领域的类别,也在决定是个性还是训练成为解释的基础这个问题上起着重要的作用。有些学术领域要求学生或学者按照所受的训练行事,而其它一些学术领域却要求一个人的个性来指导对事物的解释。或许,最简单的例子是数学专业与艺术专业的学生之间的不同。数学专业的学生会用他/她所受训练的方式和数字去分析所研究的数据。在对数学的研究和应用过程中很少牵涉个性。然而,每一位艺术专业的学生都会从几乎完全是个人的视角看待一幅油画或一尊雕像,这几乎完全取决于那位学生的个性。艺术训练或许会给艺术专业的学生提供用以描述对象的语汇,但在这种情况下,是个性提供了分析解释的基础。 最后,应该说明的是,并非只有以上所谈的这两种因素使人们对相同的事情有不同的看法。一起犯罪活动可能有一百个目击者,调查人员就可能得到一百个不同的描述。尽管他们当中一些人肯定具有相同的或相似的性格,但是人类身上其它的可变性因素都会歪曲所发生的事件。人的本性太复杂了,因此我们不能仅仅根据训练相对于个性的说法去划分不同的观点或不同的分析解释。