简单的介词有:in, on, with, by, for, at, about, into, within, throughout, inside, outside等,难一点的介词短语包括:according to, because of, by means of, in addition to, in front of,in spite of, into, considering, regarding, respecting, including等。
Accordingto the chart, during the period from 1990 to 1995 the averageprices of houses in three citiesdecreasedsignificantly by five percentin NewYork (USA) and(省略by) about 7.5 percent inboth Tokyo (Japan) and London (UK).
这句话的C7T3七分小作文中的句子,将句子中介词引导的状语全部删去后,句子剩下的部分为the average pricesof houses decreased significantly.。这是一个大多数同学都能顺畅写出的主谓结构的句子。
同样,考官考题中的主谓结构也不算少数:Nowadayssome individuals behave in an anti-society way, such ascommitting a crime.这句话只翻译黑色部分,也就是去掉状语后的部分时,几乎没人不会翻译:现如今很多人都这样做。单独翻译状语部分也不是很难:in an anti-societyway,用一种反社会的方式such as committing a crime比如犯罪。那么连接在一起,这句话的意思是:现如今很多人会做一些反社会的事儿,比如犯罪。