错例:It is unclear recycling can control pollution.
正解:It is unclear whether recycling can control pollution.
1. It is advertising makes us buy something impulsively.
2. There are two line charts show the unemployment rate fluctuates in China.
3. The percentage of families have one car increased greatly.
错例1:Itis obvious that comparing with its drawbacks, the rise of English as aglobal language can bring us a lot of benefits.
正解:Itis obvious that compared with itsdrawbacks, the rise of English as a global language can bring us a lot ofbenefits.
错例2:Evidencesuggests that the poor are fail to seek medical treatment because of the cost.
正解:Evidencesuggests that the poor are failing to seek medical treatment because of the cost.
错例3:Airpollution and other kinds of pollution become worse as a result of theincreasing traffic.
正解:Air pollution and other kinds of pollution have become worse as a result of the increasing traffic.
错例4:Alack of job opportunities restrict school leaver's independence, either forcing them to remain at home and forcing them to move back home.
正解:Alack of job opportunities will restrict school leaver's independence, either forcing themto remain at home and forcing them to move back home.
1. The increasing violence showing in films or on television has sparked public outcry, and some critics have shown their concern on the interplay of social violence and media violence.