Discuss some of the effects of rural depopulation ( migration from the country to the city) and suggest some ways in which this trend could be reversed?
Key words analysis
• rural areas: 郊区, 它的相对词是urban areas
• depopulation: 减少居民,后面括号内的内容是岁这个词的解释
• trend: 趋势,和tide, current同义
• reverse: 使倒转
• 这是属于议论文中的problem的类型,通常会在要求学生表达对这个问题的看法和给出一些解决方案。
Possible effects :
• 过于拥挤的城市易影响城市的舒适度
• 过于拥挤的城市可能会导致失业率升高
Possible solutions:
• 政府进行商业性的引导
• 加强农村基础建设,提升生活便利性
Model Essay 1 – Part 1
Rural depopulation is a very important issue in many parts of the world today. In this essay, I will discuss some of the main effects of this problem and also offer some possible solutions to it.
Main body 1
Firstly, it is clear that migration away from the country negatively affects life in the city. Serious environmental and social problems often occur when cities become overcrowded. Problems such as air, water and noise pollution are now increasingly common in urban areas around the world because there are simply too many people living there. Pollution can make city life very uncomfortable indeed and can even cause illness. Beijing is a very good example of this. Overcrowding in cities can also lead to high unemployment (especially in poorer parts of the world) and crime.
Model Essay 1 – Part 2
Main body 2
In order to prevent people from moving away from the country and reduce the size of cities, I feel we must make country life more attractive. In my view, the best way of doing this would be to improve services in the country. One of the main reasons that so many people have left the country is that facilities like shopping centres, cinemas, swimming pools, restaurants, libraries, schools and hospitals are generally better in the city. If such facilities were available in the country, more people would choose to live there. Another effective solution would be for the government to subsidies businesses and workers who move to the country.
In conclusion, I believe we must all recognise how serious this problem is. For the sake of the environment and our own quality of life it is vital that we preserve rural communities.