Doyou agree or disagree?
Key words analysis
smoking: 抽烟,这是一个名词,表示抽烟这件事
throughout the world: 遍及全世界,同”around the world”
In the interest of: 为了…的利益;这里可以理解为“为了公众健康的利益”
public health: 公众健康
cigarette: 香烟
tobacco: 烟草,这边和product组合表示烟草产品
Possible reasons:
Model Essay 1 – Part 1
There are a range of different views on the question of whether tobacco should be banned or not. Some people would argue that smoking is a personal choice and that introducing laws to prevent people from smoking would be repressive. However, I feel that tobacco should indeed be made illegal. There are two main reasons for this.
Main body 1
Firstly, it is important to remember that tobacco is actually a drug. Most countries around the world have strict laws against selling or using recreational drugs. Therefore, if governments want to be consistent in the way they handle the problem of drug abuse, I believe they must ban tobacco as well. This is especially true considering the fact that many drugs which are now illegal, such heroin and marijuana, could be used by doctors to treat various real medical problems. On the other hand, tobacco is useless.
Model Essay 1 – Part 2
Main body 2
Further and even more importantly, though,smoking should be banned for the sake of public health. It is a proven fact that smoking causes serious illnesses, such as lung cancer and heart disease.Although cigarette companies and pro-smoking groups may claim that people have the right to decide what to put into their own bodies, I would argue that the rights of society are more important than those of the individual. The medical treatment smokers need when they get sick is often very expensive, and it is usually governments and society who pay the bill. Thus, I believe that antismoking laws would be a good idea.
To conclude, although governments will probably not ban tobacco in the near future, I feel this should be the long-term goal as there are few habits as pointless and destructive as smoking.