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      Somepeople think that using animals for experimentation purpose is cruel, but otherpeople think that it is necessary for the development of science. Discuss bothviews and give your opinion.



      1. 动物是唯一的可选实验体,太多的医学进步得益于动物实验。

      2. 人类为了自身生存而利用动物是可以理解的,这只不过是自然选择的结果。

      3. 这是一个机会成本的计算,如果仅仅是几只兔子的代价就能带来数百万人的健康和存活,这个无疑是划算的。


      1. 这是一种漠视生命的表现,不利于动物保护。

      2. 有效性存疑,毕竟动物的体征和人类的有较大不同。


      Animaltesting has been applied as a normal procedure of scientific research foryears. There are emerging criticisms arguing that the sufferings inflicted onlaboratory animals are brutal. However, the progress of sciences would be seriously hampered if heavyregulations are imposed on animal research.

      Manymedications and procedures currently in use would not exist if animal testingwas banned. Animal testing has assisted mankind in successfully developingvaccines and antibiotics. Life-saving techniques such as organ transplant alsoown thanks to animal research. Such development in science has cured peoplearound the globe, saving millions of lives. However, whatcould we use to achieve comparable results without animal research? Our scienceis not so advanced that we could test a new drug on a flower or tomato beforeits clinical application. Of course, mankind could notsacrifice human lives for the purpose of research.

      Incomparison to the costs in terms of the sufferings on animals, the advantages thatanimal testing has brought to humans are much greater. Human society isrequired to generate valuable consequences, even at thecost of inflicting pain to some animals whose lives may be worthy. Nevertheless, the value of their lives does not count as much as the value ofhuman life because human beings have much higher capability and sensibilitythan animals.

      However, it is also true thatpain killers are not administered to animals in many cases of animal testing.Animals even as a lower form of life deserve to be treated with due humanity.So mankind has a moral obligation to decrease the sufferings of animals withintheir power.

      Inconclusion, animal testing is crucial as a procedure of science. Itselimination would severely hamper development of sciences. However, mankindshould also do their best to decrease the sufferings of laboratory animals.(310 words)

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