Anincrease in production of consumer goods results in damage of the naturalenvironment. What are the causes and possible solutions?
1. 第一原因就是人口膨胀。在一个人口快速增长的时代,大量的商品会被迅速的生产和消费。第二原因就是商业广告的诱惑。举例,很多广告总是刺激观众去购买新的电器,时髦的衣服,这增加了产品的需求。第三,在一个大规模制造技术极大地降低了生产成本,所以人们更愿意购买新产品,而不是去修理旧东西。
2. 为什么会破坏环境?答案如下:第一,垃圾场会填满那些无法分解的垃圾,它们会恶化土地。举例,电器垃圾中的重金属,如水银,会毒化土壤。此外,生产的扩大会过度消耗自然资源,并导致能源枯竭。
3. 解决之道:第一,人们应该在购物上有一颗节制的心。第二,可降解的材料应该被用于产品生产之中,而且外部包装,如包装盒,不应该被鼓励使用。第三,严格的法律应该被颁布和执行,来惩罚那些非法倾倒工业垃圾的的企业。
Today we live in an era of continuously increasing consumer demand. This rate of consumption is increasing at an alarming rate. This essay shall deal with the causes of increase in production goods and how it affects the environment and suggest some ways forward.
The foremost reason for an exploding consumption of goods is the burgeoning population of today. In order to meet daily needs of over population, more commodities are quickly produced, delivered into the market, and consumed by an ever increasing number of customers. Secondly, a thriving desire of buying more goods is partially attributed to the temptation of commercials. Obviously, people with long exposure to the advertisements are inevitably stimulated to buy trendy fashions, innovative items and electronic devices featuring the most advanced technology. Finally, the manufacturing industries are producing cheaper consumer goods by compromising with quality. These are affordable by the common man but the quality is so bad that they cannot be repaired. Mostly they have to be discarded after some time of use.
The most serious effect of this phenomenon is on the environment. Our landfillsites are filling up with non bio-degradable wastes. It is also leading topollution. Destroying used plastic is becoming a major problem everywhere. Eventhe recycling of plastic needs a lot of electricity. Conventional methods ofgenerating electricity add to pollution. Disposing of a lot of waste materialssuch as heavy metals like lead and mercury and poisonous gases also adds topollution. It is said that the earth can satisfy everybody’s need but noteverybody’s greed. The amount of energy used in manufacturing and disposal ofconsumer goods is also leading us to a brink of energy crises.
The solutions are not easy. Steps have to be taken on a war footing. People have tobe made aware of the disastrous consequences of consumerism. People should buyonly what is absolutely necessary. As far as possible biodegradable materialsshould be used as raw materials and excessive packaging should be avoided.Industries should be encouraged to use alternative sources of energy duringproduction. Quality should not be compromised with. This would definitely helpin reducing the use-and-throw culture. Finally, waste disposal methods shouldbe very good. Strict action should be taken against those industries which dumptheir effluents indiscriminately.
In conclusion, I believe that, consumerism is rampant nowadays and it is having adetrimental effect on the environment.(402)