With the increasing use of mobile phones and computers, less people tend to write letters. Some people think the skill of writing letters will disappera completely? To what extent do you agree or disagree?
手写信的优势1: 手写信能够传达深层次的感情。举例,一封手写情书不仅仅是信息的载体,更代表了爱和浪漫。
Today,there is an argument that writing a letter is no more worthy because moderntechnologies like emails and text messages are more powerful and convenient.Personally, I believe this assertion underestimates the values of writingletter on spiritual level, and my reasons would be explored as below.
Admittedly,the popularity of hand writing letters is being much lower than before, interms of original advantages of telecommunication, and the first is about thespeed of information exchange. Email of computer and text message of cell phonecan deliver contents into the devices of the receiver in the distance ofthousands of miles, in just few seconds. The second merit is the universalaccessibility. Email technology is beyond the physical and geographic limits.In outdoor activities like driving or traveling abroad, people can still easilyreceive and send information through Internet-based computers and mobilephones, with no concern of missing any message. Besides, the process of sendingmessage is simple and free of charge. All an addresser has to do is justclicking the mouse or touching the screen of cell phone. By contrast, afterwriting a paper letter, spending time and money on post office for mailing isalways a big bother for the writer.
Despite of the virtues of telecommunication mentioned above, I still believe there is aspace for the survival of writing letters. In terms of emotional connection,this outmoded way seems to be preferred by the public. For example, A writtenlove letter has a higher-level emotional concentration and is more able totouch the inner heart of the target person, because it is not only a messageconveyer, but also an expresser for love, kindness and romance. Similarly, insome special occasions requiring in-depth information, such as ceremonies ofuniversity graduation, wedding or funeral, there is nothing to compete with ahandwritten letter that can completely express affection, warmth,congratulation empathy and condolences, recipient can cherish it as the evidentof your generosity of spirit and loving heart.
In conclusion, the life of handwritten letters will last in the future, for thereason that they are uniquely valuable in maintaining the spiritualcommunication between human. However, writing letter would be the last optionfor the contemporary world, when it comes to the irreplaceable benefitstelecommunication brings to us.(384 words)