People can go to shop, bank, and work with computer. But the danger is that people are getting isolated and losing some social skills. To waht extent do you agree with this opinion?
1. 互联网的滥用当然会弱化人们之间的社交。第一,在线服务大大减少了人们交流的机会。举例,现在人们已经习惯通过Google等搜索引擎来获取知识和新闻了,这意味着传统的,人们相互依赖来获取和传递信息的模式被逐渐淘汰,如学生和老师的依赖。
2. 社交能力弱化也是肯定的。在线服务下,人们总是和机器,鼠标,键盘互动,而不是真正的人。这让他们缺乏实际的与人交往的经验。
3. 此外,社交网络的流行也进一步剥夺了用户的社交能力。举例,在Facebook和Twitter下,人们的交流手段极其单调,仅仅是依赖文字和图片。这让年轻人逐渐失去那些非语言的,但是必不可少的社交技能,如肢体语言,以及一种对于他人心理的阅读能力。
Nowadays, Internet-based services like online bank and e-business provide greatefficiency and convenience to the public. Many people argue that this trendwould make people isolated from each other, because it inhibits theface-to-face communication. Personally, I completely agree with this assertion,and my reasons will be explored as below.
Firstly, the Internet removes the opportunities of real-world socialization. Peopletoday mainly depend on online search engines like Google or Yahoo for informationacquirement, instead of people. For example, Under the great convenienceprovided by Google which can automatically locate, filter, classify and listrelevant websites, data, articles, images and ideas according to key wordsentered by users, there are much less interpersonal communication in dailylife, such as question-and-answer conversations,discussions and arguments betweenstudents and teachers, between colleges, or between children and parents.
Besides,the addiction in the Internet makes netters in front of the computer in theprivate room, gaze at the screen, browse pages and type comments of goodsrepetitively. Therefore, the attack of loneliness, depression and anxiety ontheir minds is inevitable and consistent, because their life companies are nomore than electronic devices, mice and keyboards featuring no breathing, noemotions and lifelessness.
Another reason why the Internet makes people deficient in interpersonal skills lies onthe fact that it decreases dimensions of socialization. For example, the onlinecommunication space is very flat, because the majority of messages exchanged insocial networking like Facebooking, Twittering and texting are only on verballevel. However, other non-verbal levels of interpersonal skills, like bodylanguage and social psychology, are totally invalid and then ignored, makingpeople incompetent and unskilled in face-to-face situations.
All in all, the separation between people is undeniable, in terms of the fact thatit eliminates the possibility of face-to-face and emotional communication, aswell as failing to train the practical interpersonal skills.(310 words)