教程:雅思作文  浏览:543  
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    Effects of technology

    You should spend about 40 minutes onthis task.

    Modern technologies, such as fertilizersand machinery, have fed our world by providing us with cheap food. However,some people claim that modern technologies also have produced some negativeeffects on our society.

    What is your opinion?

    Write at least 250 words.

    Technology: Sample


    With the development of moderntechnologies, great changes have taken place in our society. The utilizationsof fertilizers and machinery, for example, have improved the production ofcrops dramatically, providing us with cheaper foods. However, moderntechnologies have also exerted some negative impacts on our society andenvironment, which can be demonstrated in the following three aspects.

    Main Body 1

    Firstly of all, in spite of the increasingautomation and efficiency in agriculture, intensive and specialized use of somemodern technologies has generated one of the most adverse effects on ournatural environment – air pollution. For example, chemical fertilizers andnatural fertilizers, such as animal manure, tend to emit stinking gas, whichcan be a potential cause of certain illnesses and, therefore, becomes a healthhazard for the local residents around farmlands.

    Main Body 2

    Another negative effect that moderntechnologies are likely to produce is various kinds of ecological disasters.For one thing, massive use of fertilizers is believed by many agronomists tohave the destructive powers of degrading the soil, polluting the surroundingwater and intensifying the effects of drought. This will undoubtedly lead tothe extinction of many species of native animals and plants, which constitutean integral part of the local food chain.

    Main Body 3

    Finally, besides the negative impacts onthe environment, modern technologies also account for the increasingly higherrates of various crimes in recent years. For example, having easy access to theInternet and a professional knowledge of computer operations and programs,criminals or hackers have been found to steal huge amounts of money from richpeople’s bank accounts through Internet banking.


    In conclusion, although modern technologiesare of great benefit to human beings, they obviously generate lots of negativeeffects, too. While enjoying the advantages that modern technologies havebrought to us, we should also try to minimize the effects of theirdisadvantages and find some effective solutions to the problems generated.

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