be responsible for
be held accountable for
be a major culprit in
be instrumental to
come from
stem from
be derived from
play a major role in
be associated with
be implicated in
account for
in the wake of
stimulated by
spurred by
spark off
conduce to
by virtue of
on the score of
be responsible for
be held accountable for 负责任
Low-cost airline travel has been responsible for the marked growth in the number of passengers who take trips on scheduled airlines.
be a major culprit in 是…的罪魁祸首
It is said that carbon pollution is a major culprit in driving the planet into ecological overdraft.
be instrumental to 有帮助的
This state of affairs, if not changed, will not be instrumental to the implementation of the Tax Law.
come from 来自于,由于
A dignity comes from being in control.
stem from 基于
Many of the universities' problems stem from rapid expansion.
breed 孕育,导致
There is ample historical evidence that government control over banks' lending canbreed cronyism and misallocation of funds.
be derived from 源自于
Technical goals are not terribly meaningful to the success of a product unless they are derived from the need to meet other more human-oriented goals.
generate 产生
It is falsely believed that higher taxes and more state involvement in the economy cangenerate prosperity.
create 造成,引起
Eliminating such inequalities in the early years of life would simply create a new kind of inequality, driven by genetics.
play a major role in 扮演重要角色
Efficiency, courtesy, and trustworthiness may play a major role in product differentiation.
be associated with
be implicated in 和…有关
Smoking cigarette is known to be implicated in the development of some cancers.
account for 是…的原因,合理解释
Even if correct, however, this explanation would not account for the health problems of their younger daughter, who has not yet attended high school.
in the wake of 接踵而来
In the wake of developments in science and technology, man has become more capable of conquering nature.
stimulated by
spurred by 在…的刺激下
Stimulated by the favorable policies, industry of animation and comics gradually prospered and made remarkable achievements.
Stimulated by factors such as increase in the investment, the industrial growth was accelerated.
trigger 名词动词均可,表示:引发,(不良的反应的)起因
the power outage was triggered by heavy rains.
The trigger for the strike was the closure of yet another factory.
spark off 引发(一般不好的结果)
Changes in ecosystems could lead to social, economic and political change, and couldspark off wars.
occasion 引起
The failure of the crops occasioned the rise in price.
conduce to 有助于
Each producer, in paying his quota of the taxes levied generally for the construction of roads, pays for the use of those which conduce to his convenience.
incur 带来(成本、花费等)
A disunited nation has to incur unduly high costs of government.
ensue 接着发生(不及物动词)
ensure from 结果产生于
Consequently, there can be a lot of competition during the negotiations thatensue afterward.
The evils ensue from lack of astable government.
by virtue of 由于(中性词)
By virtue of this superior quality, this product is often sold out of stock in many areas.
Plastic bags are useful for holding many kinds of food, by virtue of their clearness, toughness, and low cost.
on the score of 因为
There is another possibility on the score of fresh evidence.