Like many people all over the world, Americans enjoy celebrating thearrival of each new year.Almost everyone makes an occasion of New Year'sEve in order to see the old year out and welcome the new one.In New York,a favorite gathering place on December 31 is New York City's Times Square.Thousands of Americans and international tourists crowd this famous spot(at the intersection of Broadway and Seventh Avenue) and crane their necksto watch for 'Happy New Year' to flash across the electronically controlledsign that moves around.When the moment arrives bedlam breaks forth.Bellsring, whistles blow, people cheer with their happy excitement.
同全世界人民一样,美国人也喜欢庆祝每个新年的到来。几乎人人都把除夕作为送旧迎新的时刻来庆祝。十二月三十一日在纽约,人们最喜欢聚会的地方是纽约时代广场。 成千上万的美国人和国际游客拥挤在这块胜地(百老汇和第七街的交叉处),翘首观望来回移动的电子控制牌,上面不时闪现着“新年好”的字幕。当新的一年的一刹那到来时,喧闹声骤然四起。钟声响了,汽笛响了,人们热情欢呼,沉浸在幸福的激情之中。