Li Hua, a university student, studies very hard and is always ready to help others.One Sunday in May, on his way to his friend’s he saw a woman lying on the ground. She was injured in the car accident and one of her legs was bleeding badly.Without a word he immediately gave her first aid and stopped the bleeding. Then he called an ambulance to take her to a hospital and managed to get in touch with her family.Soon her husband came and wanted to thank Li Hua, but he left before they could show their thanks to him.
大学生李华是一个乐于助人、勤奋学习的好学生。五月的一个星期天 他去访友,路遇一位妇女因车祸受伤,躺于路旁,腿上流血不止。他立刻对她施行急救,止住了出血,然后打电话喊来救护车,将她送往医院, 他还设法和她家人取得联系。不久她家人赶到了医院,他未等人家向他表示感谢就离开了医院。