Growing Pains and Gains
1 一个戴深度近视眼镜的女孩面对一大堆的作业。
2 一个小女孩在弹钢琴,母亲站在旁边拿着尺。
3 小女孩和许多人在开生日晚会,脸上露出微笑。
4 小女孩孜孜不倦地在看书。
I think I have a happy life, though I cannot do the things I like. For example, I like reading different books in my spare time, especially some detective stories. But my mum always asks me to practise playing the piano one hour every day. That's boring.
I like having parties with my friends during the holidays. But I have to do lots of homeworks. Teachers always give us more homework when we have holidays. That's my growing pains and gains.