I am a lazy girl, when my mother asks me to help her with her housework, I will find some excuses and then run away. Someday, my mother says to me that I am a little princess, then I am very angry, I argue that I am not a princess. Since then, I am not lazy anymore, I just want to show to my mom that I can be a useful person.
my family 英语作文 http://www.tingclass.net/show-619-327981-1.html
我爱我家 I Love My Family http://www.tingclass.net/show-7934-282745-1.html
My Favorite Sport :Running http://www.tingclass.net/show-619-326014-1.html
六一儿童节的来历 http://www.tingclass.net/show-619-325903-1.html