I went to Xiang Shan Park to climb the hill with my friends last winter.It was a good trip at the beginning, but something unexpected happened on the half way.One of my friends got a stomachache and couldn't move any longer.One girl tried to phone her mother with her mobile phone, but there was no signal in the mountain area.Luckily, one of us took some medicine for the trip.We asked him to have a rest by the side of the path.Someone took some medicine and let him have it.Then he drank some water. After a while he felt much better and we walked on.We all enjoyed ourselves at the top of the mountain.
去年冬天,我与朋友们去香山公园爬山。开始的时候非常顺利, 走到半山腰时,发生了一件意想不到的事情。一位同学突然胃痛得难以前行。一个女生想给她妈妈打电话,但山上没有信号。幸亏有人带着药。我们让他在路边休息,给他吃了点儿药。后来他喝了水,感觉好多了,我们又继续爬山。在山顶我们都玩得很愉快。