六年级英语作文:克服弱点 Get Over My Weakness
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      人无完人,每个人都有自己的缺点或弱点,重要是我们要勇于去客服它,下面为大家分享六年级英语作文:克服弱点 Get Over My Weakness,欢迎阅读

      克服弱点 Get Over My Weakness

      When the things are urgent for me, I will be very impatient and get myself in the mess. Being impatient is my weakness, I know it is not good for me, but I just cannot control myself. Now I have learned to make things slowly, I can’t lose control no matter how bad the things are going on. I believe I can get over my weakness and be a better person.

      当事情对于我来说变得很急的时候,我会变得没有耐心,让自己陷于一团糟中。没有耐心是我的弱点,我知道那对于我来说不好,但是我就是无法控制自己。如今我已经学会了让事情慢下来,无论事情变得多么糟糕,我都不能让自己失控。我相信我能克服自己的弱点,成为一个更好的人。克服弱点 Get Over My Weakness

      I love clean thing, it sounds good for me. But the thing is that I can't bear the dirty environment around me, I am very picky about the environment. I need to make some change, I must get used to the normal situation. So I learn to wash the dirty clothes and do some dirty work. It is hard for me but I start to get over my weakness.



      上一篇:六年级毕业班英语作文 下一篇:英语作文:我最喜欢的玩具 My Favourite toy

