我亲爱的爷爷 My Beloved Grandpa
教程:小学英语作文  浏览:938  
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      每个人都有自己的爷爷,那么你对你爷爷的印象如何呢,下面给大家分享几篇我亲爱的爷爷 My Beloved Grandpa英语作文,一起来看看吧

      我亲爱的爷爷 My Beloved Grandpa(一)

      Before I was five years old, I lived with my grandparents most of the time. My grandpa liked to tell me the stories before I slept and I liked it so much. I also liked to follow my grandpa in the morning, when he walked to the shop and had the chat with his friends. I miss my grandpa all the time, when I have the time, I will visit him.


      在我五岁以前,我大部分时间都是和爷爷奶奶住在一起。我的爷爷喜欢在我睡前给我讲故事,我很喜欢听。我也喜欢在早上跟着爷爷去商店,听他和他的朋友们聊天。我一直想念着爷爷,在我有时间了,就会去看他。我亲爱的爷爷 My Beloved Grandpa(二)

      My grandfather and grandmother live in the countryside, they like to live there, in the summer holiday, I will go to visit them. My grandfather is a funny person, though he is old, in his heart, he is as young as me, we always make fun of each other. My grandfather can cook the delicious food, he will cook for me, I like him so much.




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