小学英语作文:记一次车祸 A Accident
教程:小学英语作文  浏览:736  
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    英语作文的输出需要大量的积累、不断的练习,期间模仿的重要性不可小觑。以下是小编整理的关于小学英语作文:记一次车祸 A Accident的资料,希望对你有所帮助!

    Today is Sunday. I visited my uncle with my father in the morning. In a traffic light, we saw a car accident. We were waiting for the traffic light. Suddenly, a motorbike ran the red light and crashed with a car. Luckily, the motor driver slowed down the speed and he just fell down from his motor. He could stand up by himself. But this accident caused a traffic jam. I hope drivers can drive under traffic rules.  今天是星期天。早上我和爸爸去看望叔叔,在红绿灯处我们目睹了一起交通事故。当时我们正在等红绿灯,突然一辆摩托车闯红灯和一辆汽车相撞。幸运的是摩托车司机减速了只是从摩托车上摔下来。他还能自己站起来,但是这起事故引起了交通堵塞。我希望司机们能够遵守交通规则行驶。
      上一篇:小学英语作文:我的暑假My Summer Holiday 下一篇:小学英语作文:我喜欢跳舞 I Like Dancing

