小学英语作文:超人 Superman
教程:小学英语作文  浏览:440  
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    英语作文的输出需要大量的积累、不断的练习,期间模仿的重要性不可小觑。以下是小编整理的关于小学英语作文:超人 Superman的资料,希望对你有所帮助!

    When I read the comic series of superman, I am so crazy about this man. He is so powerful, he can fly and then save the world. When there is evil force, superman will come out and then defeat the bad guys. I want to be a policeman when I grow up, so that I can protect my family and keep the world peace.


      上一篇:小学英语作文:关于运动的英语作文 Sport 下一篇:小学英语作文:烦恼的时刻 The Upset Moments

