Expo Renews Focus On Shanghai's Foreign Side
The World's Fair that kicked off Friday night is designed to focus global attention on Shanghai -- but in doing so, it will largely reflect the outsize role foreigners have played in shaping China's most cosmopolitan city.
President Hu Jintao opened the six-month Expo 2010 here with a riverside fireworks-and-armada extravaganza attended by French President Nicolas Sarkozy and others.
中国国家主席胡锦涛宣布为期六个月的中国2010年上海世博会开幕。开幕式上有江边的焰火与舰船表演。法国总统萨科齐(Nicolas Sarkozy)等人出席了开幕式。
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一位僧人上周五在观看世博会开幕式上的焰火表演。 |
Aiming to match the prestige of past hosts such as Paris and Chicago, China is launching the first World's Fair hosted by a developing country and the biggest by expected visitors (70 million) and spending ($45 billion, rivaling its preparations for Beijing's 2008 Summer Olympic Games).
The focus will be on pavilions from more than 190 nations, spread on two sides of the Huangpu River, that include Britain's pin cushion-like light box, Japan's purple worm-shape tent and the U.S.'s $61 million movie theater styled like a catamaran.
The pavilions mark the latest of more than a century of shifting international influence here. Shanghai's riverfront Bund zone includes Victor Sassoon's 1929 Cathay Hotel and, a few doors down, the 1925 Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corp. building with its mosaic ceiling of Calcutta and Bangkok ports.
一个多世纪以来,上海接受的国际影响风云变幻,而这些展馆正是这种影响的最新标志。在浦江之畔的外滩,有1929年建立、沙逊(Victor Sassoon)名下的华懋饭店(Cathay Hotel),不远处是1925年建立的汇丰银行(Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corp.)大楼,其穹顶上镶嵌着描绘加尔各答和曼谷港口景象的马赛克壁画。
A historical witness to China's full-circle journey -- from subject of Western influence to strident opponent to, now, international host -- is the English Renaissance-style building at No. 2 Bund. Built a century ago as the Shanghai Club, it was frequented by British colonial tycoons. A half-century ago, it was seen as a symbol of Western decadence.
外滩二号的英国文艺复兴式建筑上海总会(Shanghai Club)见证着中国历史的一个轮回:从屈从于西方的影响,到竭力反对,再到现在成为国际化的东道主。上海总会建成于一个世纪以前,曾是英国殖民大亨们频繁光顾的场所。半个世纪以前,它被视为西方腐化的一个象征。
Now, it will be transformed into Hilton Hotel Corp.'s first Waldorf Astoria hotel in Asia.
现在,外滩二号将转型成为希尔顿酒店集团(Hilton Hotel Corp.)在亚洲的第一家华尔道夫(Waldorf Astoria)酒店。
Built in 1910, the club and its hallmark 110-foot Long Bar hosted bankers and taipans. In 1941, the Japanese Navy commandeered it. With Japan's 1945 defeat, the club's battered elite returned to discover shortened legs on billiard tables.
上海总会建成于1910年,110英尺长的标志性长廊酒吧(Long Bar)接待过众多银行家和大班。1941年,日本海军占领了这里。1945年日本战败后,历经劫难的精英们回到这里,发现台球桌的桌腿都被锯短了。
Communists, taking power in 1949, squeezed the club for liquor taxes that bankrupted it in 1954, according to 'Building Shanghai' by Edward Denison and Guang Yu Ren.
据丹尼森(Edward Denison)、Guang Yu Ren所着《建筑上海》(Building Shanghai)所述,共产党人1949年执政后,向上海总会征收酒税,后者因此于1954年破产。
Within two years it was the International Seamen's Club, with a Mao statue and a 'Workers of World Unite' banner in Chinese, English and Russian.
In the 1960s Cultural Revolution, Maoist Red Guards chopped the bar to pieces amid a purge of Western influences.
In 1989, the bar area reopened as Shanghai's first Kentucky Fried Chicken.
Now, with heritage architecture gaining fresh acclaim ahead of Expo 2010, No. 2 Bund's government-owned landlord allowed the neglected building to be remodeled into a Waldorf Astoria.
Atlanta architect-developer John Portman & Associates -- a family firm led by John C. 'Jack' Portman III, who has been active in Shanghai since 1979 -- is adding a 260-room skyscraper annex. Hilton didn't respond to requests to comment.
美国亚特兰大建筑师事务所-地产开发商John Portman & Associates将加建一座260个房间的高层建筑。这家事务所是一家家族企业,负责人波特曼(John C. "Jack" Portman III)自1979年以来一直在上海活动。希尔顿集团没有回应置评请求。
Standing atop the club's Sicilian marble staircase that he first climbed in 1986, 61-year-old Mr. Portman marveled at the club's 'ornate' ballroom. The building, he said, is 'a microcosm of what Shanghai was all about.'