李华和Larry正在商量去野营的事。今天李华会学到两个常用语:cold feet和do a number。
LL: Hey Li Hua, are you ready for that camping trip this weekend?
LH: 这个周末去野营的事呀? 嗯... 我还没一定是不是能跟你们一起去...
LL: What? Don't tell me you're getting cold feet! You told me last week you wanted to come along!
LH: 是,我上个星期是说要去来啦!可我现在说不好是不是能去。这跟我的脚没有关系。而且冬天还没有来,我的脚怎么会冷呢?
LL: No, no... to get cold feet means, to become nervous or anxious and then change your mind about a decision.
LH: 噢,你不是说我因为脚冷而不去。Cold feet是因为太紧张,太担心而改变主意。
LL:I still don't understand why you are afraid to go camping.
LL: Everyone has gotten cold feet at least once. When I was little, my parents sent me to a summer camp. At the camp I began to feel homesick, started getting cold feet, and wanted to come home.
LH: 原来你小时候还有这事! 你父母送你去夏令营,结果去了以后你就紧张了,要回家,那你父母得提早把你接回去呀?Larry,那时你多大呀?
LL: I was like 7-years old. When I was a teenager, I thought about joining the Army after high school. But as I got closer to graduation, I got cold feet, and changed my mind.
LH: 中学时你又想参军,后来又因为害怕而改变主意了。这我知道,我哥哥也是这样。Larry,你听说了没有?乔治亚州一个女子结婚前几天由於太紧张而逃走了。
LL: Yes, she pretended she had been kidnapped. I feel sorry for her fiancé。
LH: 对, 她假装被人绑架了。她那未婚夫可真倒霉。Larry,上星期本来说好去跳舞,后来你改变主意,是真的病了呢,还是get cold feet?
LL: Honestly, I got cold feet. I got nervous at the last minute, and made up an excuse. Sorry!
LH: Hi, Larry! 你们去野营,开心吗?
LL: Sure, I guess so... but look at this sunburn I got! The sun really did a number on my face!
LH: 哟,看你的脸给晒的! 你说太阳怎么啦?Did a number,太阳和数字有什么关系呀?
LL: The sun did a number on my face. Did a number means that the sun did a lot of damage, I got a really bad sunburn!
LH: Did a number 意思是造成很大损坏。对,你晒得可真厉害。你的手臂呢?
LL: Oh, those are mosquito bites. The mosquitoes really did a number on my arms... and my legs, and my neck...
LH: 蚊子把你咬成那样呀!瞧你的手臂,还有腿,哟,还有脖子上!不过,你总算去玩了。我呀,才倒霉呢。车子好好停在那里,一个人会开着车撞上去,把我的门给撞坏了。He did a number on the door.
LL: Wow, too bad. At least you were lucky that you weren't in the car when he hit it, he could have done a real number on you, not just your car.
LH: 对,幸好我没在车里,否则我肯定会受伤的。我姐姐以前就在出车祸时手臂骨给撞断了。
LL: That's terrible! A few years ago someone in a car hit me while I was riding my bicycle on the street. I was not hurt, but it really did a number on my bike!
LH: 汽车撞你自行车,结果你居然没有受伤。自行车坏了没事。那个人赔你钱了?
LL: Nothing, because he drove off. Good for him: I was angry and felt like doing a number on his face with my fists.
LH: 撞了就开走了?那太不象话了。这种人真是该揍他一顿。不过像你这样软棉棉的手,受伤的可能是你的手,而不是他的脸。
LL: Speaking of doing a number, that camping food really made my stomach uncomfortable. I need some coffee.
LL: 野营的饭让你的胃不舒服?不过你空肚子喝咖啡...
LH: Oh, yeah, that'll do a number on me, I'd better eat first.
今天李华学到了两个常用语。一个是:cold feet,意思是由于紧张和担心而临时改变主意。另一个常用语是:do a number, 这是指伤害什么东西。