LL: So, this student walked into your classroom on Valentine's Day and THREE different girls gave him flowers? He must be the campus heartthrob.
LH: 如果你说的heartthrob, 是指让人迷恋的对象,那没错,他可以校园名人,学校里喜欢他的女孩子一大堆。
LL: A heartthrob is a male that is adored by women. Someone who is a heartthrob, literally makes women's hearts throb.
LH: 这种说法真形象!让人心跳的男人就是heartthrob. 送花的那三个女生迷他迷得不行,我真担心会影响到她们的成绩。
LL: What makes this heartthrob so attractive to these girls? Is he handsome? Is he friendly? Is he a good student? Is he an athlete?
LH: 他确实各方面都很出众,不仅长得一表人才,而且很随和、学习成绩优秀,而且还是校队橄榄球队的队长。
LL: Well, it is no wonder he is such a heart throb. He sounds like the perfect guy.
LH: 差不多吧。不过还是不如布拉德.皮特完美。Brad Pitt is a real heart throb.
LL: You are not the first woman who has told me Brad Pitt is the perfect man. I guess I don't understand why he is such a heart throb.
LH: 这有什么难理解的。(Dreamily)你看他那金发碧眼,他的微笑能让人溶化,还有他的身材和肌肉....
LL: Okay, okay. That's enough, Li Hua. I get it! I understand why Brad Pitt is such a heartthrob.
LH: 对不起,Larry,一提起Brad Pitt,我就无法控制自己。
LL: So, Brad Pitt is a big heartthrob in America. How about in China? Who is the biggest Chinese heart throb?
LH: 那可能要算香港的电影影星刘德华了。
LL: I have heard of Andy Lau. Isn't he too old to be a heart throb?
LH: 年轻的也有,不过我已经赶不少潮流了。
LL: Well, it must be hard to be a heartthrob with girls following you everywhere. I'm glad I don't have that problem. I mean, I'm not much of a heartthrob.
LH: 肯定有什么女孩子为你心动的,你不知道罢了。
LL: So, let's talk about these girls in your class some more, Li Hua. When they go gaga over this heart throb in class, what do you do to get their attention?
LH: Gaga是什么意思?听起来不象英文啊?
LL: Gaga is, in fact, a French world borrowed into English, Li Hua. "Gaga" is a word that suggests some one who is mentally confused or silly.
LH: 我班上那几个女孩子可都是好学生,她们的脑子可没问题。
LL: "To *go* gaga" means to like something so much that you act like an idiot. It means you can't think of anything else besides the thing you are "gaga" over.
LH: 噢,to go gaga是被弄得晕头转向的意思。要是这么说,I guess the girls do go gaga over him.
LL: What about the boy students in your class? Is there a girl in class that they go gaga over?
LH: 我们班上倒是没有什么特别招人的女生,但是学校里所有男生都围着啦啦队的女孩子们转。
LL: Well, cheerleaders are usually very attractive and physically fit. It's no wonder guys go gaga for cheer leaders.
LH: 那你呢,Larry? 有什么人让你晕头转向的吗?
LL: Well, Li Hua, I'm not really dating any one right now, so there is no one I am really gaga over, but there is something I'm really gaga for.
LH: 什么东西让你gaga for?
LL: I'm really gaga for computers. I think working with computers is so interesting, and I love playing computer games.
LH: 我对电脑可没兴趣。每天坐在电脑前面写论文,我恨不得离电脑远远的。
LL: Well, what do you go gaga over, Li Hua?
LH: 我呀,喜欢看八卦杂志,了解象Brad Pitt这些明星的最新动向。
LL: We're back to Brad Pitt again?! Fine. You can go gaga over Brad Pitt, Li Hua. I'll stick with my computer.
今天李华学到了两个常用语。一个是heartthrob, 指让人心动的男人。另一个是gaga, 指被什么人或是什么事弄得晕头转向。