美国习惯用语Lesson 57 - going bananas / lemon and...
教程:美国习惯用语  浏览:1872  
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    lemon and going bananas

    going bananas

    大多数人都很喜欢吃水果。水果颜色鲜艳,形状多样,看起来也怪可爱的。一些和水果有关的美国成语和俗语也都具有肯定的含义。但是,这倒也并不是千篇一律,也有一些由水果组成的习惯用语表达的是反面的意思。我们首先要给大家介绍的一个俗语是:lemon。Lemon就是柠檬。柠檬是非常酸的一种水果,大概没有其它东西比它更酸的了。但是,lemon 作为一个俗语它的意思就成了那种质量很坏的东西,不能起它应有的作用。美国人经常把一辆经常出问题的汽车称为lemon。下面就是一个例子:

    例句-1: Mr. Lee paid !5,000 for his new car. But he got a real lemon: it's never run right and it spends more time in the garage getting fixed than it does on the road.


    Lemon 这个俗语也不局限于坏的汽车,它还可以指其它那些不理想的东西,下面这个人的经验就是一例:

    例句-2: Mister Green usually gives me good advice. But the computer company stock he told me to buy was a lemon. I had to sell it at the price I paid for it.



    下面我们要讲的一个俗语是:going banana。对我们大多数人来说,香蕉是很好吃的,又香又甜,营养很丰富。可是,going banana的意思是:快要发疯了。究竟为什么要把香蕉说的这么糟糕,这实在很难解释。然而,这个俗语在美国那些家里有青少年的家长当中是十分普遍的。你听听下面这位父亲,他在说他那十四岁的女儿:

    例句-3: Mary spends all her time listening to loud music, talking on the phone, or looking at herself in the mirror instead of studying or helping us around the house. I tell you, that kid is driving us all bananas!



    例句-4: I'm going bananas over the noise in the apartment next door. They play their television loud enough for the whole building to hear. And they never turn it off until one o'clock in the morning!


      上一篇:美国习惯用语Lesson 56 - peaches and cream / sour grapes 下一篇:美国习惯用语Lesson 58 - shoot the breeze / through the grapevine

