今天我们要讲的习惯用语都有这样的意思: 直言无讳,也就是把事实一五一十地都说出来,甚至不顾真情伤人。
我们先要学的两个习惯用语都来自拳击赛。第一个是: straight from the shoulder。 Shoulder是肩膀,straight from the shoulder原来指拳头直接从肩膀瞄准对方打出去。这是既狠又重的打击,因为这样出拳使出了全身力气。
大约一百年前straight from the shoulder成为习惯用语,用来指直截了当、开诚布公的说话方式,而且这样说话是不顾虑是否会伤害对方感情的。我们来听个例子。这是哥哥在为妹妹的事情烦恼。
例句-1:Boy, Nancy is sure mad at me! I told her straight from the shoulder this man she wants to marry is no good and she'd be making a terrible mistake. Now she won't even speak to me.
谁都不爱听旁人数落自己的心上人。这里的straight from the shoulder用来描绘直截了当、一针见血的说话方式。
我们再学个也来自拳击赛的习惯用语: pull no punches。 Punch意思是"拳打。"有时拳击手会因为手骨受伤之类的原因不用力击拳。这就叫做pull the punches,但是通常拳击手在比赛时出拳一定会竭尽全力。那就是pull no punches。逐渐人们用pull no punches来比喻尽管忠言逆耳也毫无保留地说出真情。我们来听个例子:
例句-2:When I saw my brother Joe turning into an alcoholic, I pulled no punches -- I told him to think of his wife and kids, stop drinking and go out and find a job.
酒鬼Joe一定觉得他的话不中听,但是他为了他们全家的命运却不遗余力地正言规劝。这里pull no punches意思是毫无保留地说出真心话。
再学个有类似意思的习惯用语:lay it on the line。 Lay it on the line出典可能是这样,把一大笔赌注放在赌台上,孤注一掷,尽其所有地作最后较量,就叫做lay it on the line。
例句-3: I'm fed up with George -- he doesn't do half as much work as the others. So I called him in and laid it on the line -- either he starts doing his work like anybody else or we fire him at the end of the month.
这里lay it on the line意思是把话都说明白了。
最后再学个意义相近的习惯用语:let it all hang out. Hang是挂的意思,let it all hang out如果直译就是"把什么都挂出来。" 换句话说就是"把什么都挑明了。"
例句-4:We agreed to forget our feelings and let it all hang out. Susan told me everything she didn't like about me and I told her what annoyed me about her. You know, it really cleared the air for both of us.
这里的let it all hang out意思就是开诚布公,把话都挑明了说。看来这对小夫妇重归于好,有了圆满的结局,正巧我们节目结束的时间也马上到了。