这么关键时刻在英语里叫, moment of truth. Moment在中文里是时刻,truth在中文里是真相。Moment of truth就是说最终得知一件事情是否会如愿成功的意思,特别是指一件你投入了极大努力的事情。
下面例子里这个高中生,正用急切的心情等待 the moment of truth. 让我们一起听听看。
例句-1:Algebra didn't come easy to me. But I knew I had to pass the class in order to graduate. Throughout the semester, I met my teacher after school for extra help and studied real hard for tests. My moment of truth came when my grades arrived. I got a B, which was good enough to earn my diploma!
这个学生说:代数对我来说很难,但是我知道,要想毕业,代数考试就一定得及格。整个一个学期,我下课后都要找老师补习,为准备考试做出了很大的努力。考试成绩发下来的关键时刻到了,结果我得了个 B,让我顺利过关,拿到了毕业证书。
我们上面谈到的几个例子,关键时刻moment of truth来到的时候,结果都是令人满意的。但是下面这个例句里的小伙子,却碰了一鼻子灰。让我们一起听听他的遭遇。
例句-2:I'd been going out with Kerry for months. We seemed to share similar interests and values. In my mind, she was the perfect woman for me. So I decided that the time had come to ask her if she'd marry me. It was the moment of truth; a day I'll never forget because she turned me down.
Ouch! 太残忍了。或许这个女孩子还没有做好安定下来的准备。
Moment of truth这个习惯用语其实是从西班牙语翻译过来的。美国著名作家海明威在1932年出版的小说《午后之死》里第一次用到了这个习惯用语。如今,你又多掌握了一个习惯用语,可以把它用在口头、写作和电子邮件里。只要多学多练,you're sure to sound like a native when your moment of truth arrives. 到了关键时刻,你的英语听上去绝对地道。