例句-1:It was hard being stationed overseas in the army when my mom developed cancer. I couldn't always travel to see her. Fortunately, her girlfriends were there to help out. They made sure that she got to her doctor appointments, ran errands for her and took care of her every need. What tried and true friends!
真是患难见真情啊! 和这种tried and true friends相反的朋友叫"fair-weather friends. 字面意思就是“好天气时是朋友”,其实就是指“只能同享福不能共患难的朋友”。
例句-2:Everyone knows to add salt to boiling water when making pasta and rice. But when cooking corn-on-the-cob, it can make the vegetable tough. Experienced cooks advise throwing in a little sugar instead. It's a tried and true method for superior tasting corn.