我看到衣服残破的样子,一股怒气直冲脑门! 我当时的状态可以用一个习惯用语形容。那就是:come unglued. To come unglued就是“抓狂,大发脾气”的意思。
例句-1:My wife and I had warned Walter many times not to play baseball with his brother near the house. Did they listen? As we pulled into the driveway after work, we noticed our large picture window was broken. We came unglued. After we finally calmed down, the boys were sent to their rooms.
这段话意思是:我妻子和我告诉过沃尔特好多次,不要和弟弟在家附近打棒球。可我们的话他们听了么?我们下班后开车回家,到车道的时候一看,家里的大落地窗被打破了! 我们俩火冒三丈。等我们慢慢冷静下来后,罚两个孩子回自己房间去,不许出来。
管教孩子可是门学问! 在我家,孩子犯错后,我通常能保持冷静,不发脾气,可我丈夫不行,he usually comes unglued, 经常会大发脾气。所以我总是劝他,发火的时候最好走开,省得说出伤害孩子感情的话,自己后悔。
例句-2:Since the mine caved in last month, the company has assured workers that a full investigation will be made. But, so far, there have been no inquiries. It's not surprising that a lot of employees and their families are coming unglued. They've gotten upset that safety is being compromised and worry that another accident might happen.