欢乐美语Go West, Young Man
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    PROGRAM 18 “ Go West, Young Man”

    Today on TUNING IN THE U.S.A., we’re at the Stewarts’ home in Riverdale, New York. The mail has just arrived. And in the mail is a cassette tape from Richard Stewart. Richard and his friend Andreas Pappas have sent a recorded message about their travels across the country. As Robbie and Grandpa play the tape, Grandpa remembers his travel adventures when he was a young man. And then Grandpa surprises Robbie with an idea for a new adventure.

    ACT I
    Robbie: Grandpa, the mail’s here! We got another cassette tape from Richard.
    Grandpa: Great! Let’s play the tape, where is this one from?
    Robbie: Let’s see.[ He puts the tape in the cassette recorder and turns it on.]
    Richard’s voice: Hell, everybody. This is Richard ----out West. Say “ hello” Andreas.
    Andreas’s voice: Hello, everybody.
    Richard’s voice: We’re having a great time. I’ve taken hundreds of photographs.
    Andreas’s voice: And I’ve recorded all kinds of music.
    Richard’s voice: We’re looking forward to seeing Grandpa in Denver next week. Right now, we’re in Texas, at a small Baptist church.
    Andreas’s voice: In a few minutes, we’re going to hear some gospel music.
    Richard” voice: Oops! The church service is starting. I’ll tell you more after we go hear the music. Good-bye for now.
    [ The tape stops.]
    Grandpa: It sounds like they are having a fine time!
    Robbie: And Richard’s looking forward to seeing you out there next week. You’ll have a great time, I’m sure. [ He thinks.] Colorado. I’ve never been there.
    Grandpa: Denver. The Rocky Mountains. I remember when I went west as a young man. That was in 1938.
    Robbie: What did you find out there?
    Grandpa: I found a job with the U.S. Forrest Service.
    Robbie: What kind of job was it?
    Grandpa: I helped fight forest fires.

      上一篇:欢乐美语A Picnic Indoors 下一篇:欢乐美语Just Like the Old Days

